Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Small Journey-Textile

I am taking a Small Journey with Jude Hill at Spirit Cloth http://spiritcloth.typepad.com/
Actually, I have been on a journey with her for the past year...and what I journey she has started me on!  She has fostered my love of textiles and hand stitching.  For several years I decided to take a side path from painting and learn how to quilt.  This quilting was done with a sewing machine and I was driving fast not much time to think.  Then I found Jude and started my journey with hand stitching.  It is slow and meditative,  True... I have many projects in the works and only one finished hand sewn art piece. (actually was finished until I manage to get purple paint on it.  No worries...I will sew something on it.)  Paint and fabric hard to manage the two, or better yet...emerge the two.

So, this piece I started awhile ago, just stitching, then into the waiting box.  Yesterday I decided to see what to do with it.  This reminds me of a window and that is what Jude's journey has started with. Started stitching on it last night, :)  Until next time...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jude. I have lots of starts hope to finish a few this coming year!

  2. Love the colours on this piece !
    Mmmmm the colours you love : blue, turquoise and orangy yellow ;-)\they go soooo well together !

  3. Thanks! They are my favorite colors and love using them in all the mediums I work with.
